Livensa Living Barcelona Sants-Badal > Reservas | en


Livensa Living Barcelona Sants-Badal > Reservas | en


Livensa Living Barcelona Sants-Badal > Reservas | en

How can I arrange a visit?

We will give you a tour of the common areas as well as the outside areas of the property. We will also show you one of our show studios, if one is available at the time. You can arrange a visit through our website: Please note that, unfortunately, we are not always able to show you different room types and sizes, but we will do our best to make the most...

How can I cancel my booking?

You have all the information in our cancellation policy:

Can I extend my contract?

We are glad that you enjoyed your stay and would like to stay longer at Livensa Living. Just contact the staff of the residence to extend your stay, and they will provide you with all the information.

What contract periods are available and what is the minimum period?

The minimum contract period is 7 days, and the maximum contract period is 364 days. The contract period ends on 27 August for full year bookings and 31 August for academic year and semester bookings. If you wish to stay longer, you also have the option to extend your stay.

What happens if I have a room booked but I have not been given a visa or have been refused a place at the university?

If you have not obtained the necessary visa or have been refused a place at the university, you can cancel your booking free of charge, but you will need to provide us with proof of this. In the case of a visa, proof that the visa has been refused and in the case of a refused spot, you will have to prove that you do not have a term at the university you applied for or that you are going to study...

How long in advance do I have to book the room?

It is best that you do it as soon as possible so that you can choose the room category you want. We do not have a month limit for you to make the reservation, you can make it when it suits you best. But please note that prices may vary, so be careful not to miss out on a place!

How can I book my room?

Through our website you can book your room, it's as easy as following the steps! If you are going to visit one of the residences and you already have it clear, our staff will help you to formalize the reservation. The first payment you will have to make is: Booking fee: 250 € for all residences except Salamanca, Granada Cartuja and Granada Fuentenueva, where the booking fee will be 100 €.

How are rooms allocated?

Your preferences are the most important thing for us, so that you feel as comfortable as possible. In your booking process you can let us know your preferences regarding the location of your room (on a specific floor, near a friend, etc.). When assigning your room, the Livensa team will do its best to meet your request, but we cannot guarantee you a specific room.