The monthly fee includes all bills (electricity, gas, water, wifi, AC and heating), access to all common areas, participation in all Community Life activities within the building. AtLivensa Living Lisboa Cidade Universitária, parking for cars and motorcycles, laundromat, and cleaning service are not included in the price.
Livensa Living > Check In | en
Livensa Living > Check In | en
Livensa Living > Check In | en
What is the closest public transport stop to Livensa Living Granada Fuentenueva?
The Granada train station is only 7 minutes walking distance from the residence. There are also several bus stops nearby, one of them right outside the residence.
What is the reservation fee?
The booking fee is payable as soon as you sign the contract and includes the costs of preparing the contract and the guarantee of the room. The reservation fee for admission is € 250.
What documents do I need for check-in?
If you're a European Union citizen, you will only have to bring a national identity document or passport. If you're from outside the European Union, you will have to bring your passport and valid visa.
When and how can I settle in?
You can move as soon as the contract is signed, and we have received the payment, and of course, as soon as the date of your contract starts. You can book the move-in day through our Livensa Portal here:
What payments do I have to make before I check in?
The accommodation initial payment will be charged once the contract is signed. Before the start date of your stay, you have to transfer the deposit and first months' rent. You'll find all the payment information in our payment platform, Flywire.
What should I take to my room before I move to Livensa?
We have prepared a checklist to make sure you don't forget anything 😉 Check it here!
Alojamientos de Barcelona:
Alojamientos de Bilbao:
Alojamientos de Granada:
Alojamientos de Madrid:
Alojamientos de Málaga:
Alojamientos de Pamplona:
Alojamientos de Salamanca:
Alojamientos de Sevilla:
Alojamientos Donostia-San Sebastián:
Alojamientos Valencia:
Alojamientos de Coimbra:
Alojamientos de Lisboa:
Alojamientos de Oporto:
Accommodation in Barcelona:
Accommodation in Bilbao:
Accommodation in Granada:
Accommodation in Madrid:
Accommodation in Málaga:
Accommodation in Pamplona:
Accommodation in Salamanca:
Accommodation in Sevilla:
Accommodation in Donostia-San Sebastián:
Accommodation in Valencia:
Accommodation in Coimbra:
Accommodation in Lisboa:
Accommodation in Oporto:
Alojamento em Barcelona:
Alojamento em Bilbao:
Alojamento em Granada:
Alojamento em Madrid:
Alojamento em Málaga:
Alojamento em Pamplona:
Alojamento em Salamanca:
Alojamento em Sevilla:
Alojamento em Donostia-San Sebastián:
Alojamento em Valencia:
Alojamento em Coimbra:
Alojamento em Lisboa:
Alojamento em Oporto: